With gigantic fire-breathing dragons, two-faced Goblins, and even more brewing of an all-too-familiar poly-juice potion, audiences who are devout fans of the series will be anything but disappointed.
There's no easy entry into the second part of the final movie. (Spoiler alert!) It begins without a warning as the screen shows an instant flashback to the ending of the previous film, as sinister Lord Voldemort takes the Elder Wand from Dumbledore's grave. This is the only buffer that may be expected before the audience is hurled back into the quick pace of the story.
Though Part II is possibly the most solemn and epic of all eight films, it wouldn't feel right if Ron didn't throw in a "bloody hell" every now and then. As always, the actors and directors work together to provide comedic relief for the audience in the moments it is most needed. It's a good thing too, as the drama is so intense and the battles so fierce it wouldn't be hard to forget to breathe.
Audiences will have the privilege of watching Harry, Ron, and Hermione uncover the last few horcruxes, find the truth about Professor Snape and even save the life of someone most undeserving. But everyone plays an important part in the last literal battle against Lord Voldemort and his minions. The least likely of heroes sometime rise up in the most risky of situations to surprise everyone with their amount of loyalty and bravery, even themselves- enter Professor McGonagall, Mrs. Weasley and Neville Longbottom. Some live to tell, while others who were dear friends throughout the series do not.
The Harry Potter movies which have preceded this one often offer a fresh perspective on the ongoing battle of good and evil in the world as well as stirring a newly found desire to defeat that evil- part II to the Deathly Hallows is no different. If anything, the ending to such a series only intensifies that desire to an extreme that will leave them speechless. A reflection of the humor and happier moments of the series, Part II seamlessly ties it all together by giving tribute to the previous films through flashbacks and highlights showcasing the growth Ron, Harry, Hermione, and other important characters have undergone.
(Spoiler alert!) Though it is the shortest of all eight films, resting at 2 hours and 16 minutes, audiences will be surprised by a double ending similar to Lord of the Rings- especially those members who haven't read the book. However, isn't it worth sitting through an extended ending after such a wonderful series so extensive in content? After all, goodbyes should never be rushed.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II is a great ending to an epic journey, and a majestic way to say goodbye to characters who have become so beloved.
Caution: Disturbing images, violence, and some language.